Quality Assruance


As an organization it is important to maintain high standards of quality and for this reason we  continuously check our company and staff for quality and productivity. Our management teams are held accountable through supervision and   appraisal systems. As part of our ongoing process to improve we also have a Quality Assurance Policy, which is updated frequently.


Code of Practice


 We employ professionals that come from a teaching, youth and community, Residential or Social work background. Every one of our employees shall act in a manner that creates and builds confidence in the young people that we work with as well as the many agencies that we will no doubt work with. Above all our desire is to safeguard the interests of the individual young person, and to work with parents and extended families as well as networks under the umbrella of working in partnership.


The individuals that we employ include qualified teachers, youth workers, community workers or trained mentors. Each individual is accountable for his or her actions and in the interests of good professional conduct will:

Always act in a manner that promotes the well-being and interest of the child or young person that they are assigned to.

Ensure that no omission on his or her part is detrimental to the safety or well being of a young person.


Work in a manner that is respectful and professional towards colleagues, professionals and the young people.


 Will respect issues of confidentiality obtained in the course of their work and refrain from disclosing personal information about a young person or work colleague that may jeopardize the safety or confidentiality standards of good practice.


Be vigilant in the upkeep of onsite establishments to demonstrate responsibility as a valued member of staff and to show positive role models to the young people.




We employ staff who will be CRB checked in advance of contact with the Young people. Our staff will be from different backgrounds and cultures. The richness of difference will give the service users exposure to experienced adults who have reached their goals and achievements. Staff will preferably have acquired a Professional Qualification in Social Work, Residential Work, Youth Work or be NVQ qualified in Social Care. Experience of working with young people in a child-care setting is essential.



Under the Children’s Act, working in partnership with parents is an integral part of a young person’s growth and wellbeing. We will endeavour to follow this where possible. We are mindful that young people may have experienced trauma possibly through negative family experience. We will where we can help to build bridges, as we believe and see the family as an integral part to the overall well-being of the young person.

We recognize that the type of environment we live in can impact on the care of the young people we look after. Therefore we aim to comply with good standards of practice to sustain a good clean safer environment.